TLAC Mentor Teacher Application TLAC Mentor Teacher Application First Name * Last Name * District Email * School District * SelectBryan ISDCollege Station ISDILTexas (College Station Campus) BISD Campus Name * SelectBonham ElemBowen ElemBranch ElemBryan Collegiate HighBryan HighCrockett ElemDavila MiddleFannin ElemHenderson ElemHouston ElemJohnson ElemJones ElemKemp-Carver ElemLong InterMitchell ElemNavarro ElemNeal ElemRayburn InterRoss ElemRudder HighSadberry InterSFA Middle CSISD Campus Name * SelectA&M Consolidated HighA&M Consolidated MiddleCollege Hills ElemCollege Station HighCollege Station MiddleCreek View ElemCypress Grove InterForest Ridge ElemGreens Prairie ElemOakwood InterPebble Creek ElemPecan Trail InterRiver Bend ElemRock Prairie ElemSouth Knoll ElemSouthwood Valley ElemSpring Creek ElemWellborn Middle Grade * SelectPre-KKinder123456789-12 Content Area * All Subjects ELA Math Science Social Studies Other Other content List specific content taught (e.g. Algebra, Biology, US History, etc.) * Language in which instruction is given * English only Spanish only Both English and Spanish Total years experience * Have you hosted a TAMU student before? * Yes No Indicate number of days/week you are willing to host Aggie students in your classroom * Select1234 Indicate best time time to host student/s * ALL DAY Mornings ONLY Afternoons ONLY Unsure at this time Qualifications for hosting a clinical teacher * I confirm that I meet the outlined qualifications To be considered to host a clinical teacher you meet the following required cooperating teacher guidelines: 3+ years teaching experience; current Texas teaching certification (in primary certification category of clinical teacher); accomplished educator (as shown by student learning); willingness to complete cooperating teacher training and report clinical teacher’s progress to supervisor; commitment to guide, assist and support clinical teacher in planning/classroom management/instruction/assessment/working with parents/obtaining materials/district policies. List your current teaching certification(s) * For verification, visit ESL Certification * Yes, I have a current ESL certification No, I do not have a current ESL certification Name on TEA Certificate * TEA ID * Are you willing to host an early field student if not assigned a clinical teacher? * Yes No Provide 3 words to describe your teaching style and elaborate/explain * Share any additional information as necessary Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ