College of Education & Human Development

Marketing & Communications

Welcome to your MarCom Hub! Here, you can connect with us to get a project started and access other marketing resources that will help you work independently.

To get your project started with us, click on the Project Request Form button below, fill out your information and submit. You will receive confirmation once we’ve received your request.

We can also make sure your event is listed on the official CEHD Calendar. Just click on the Submit Calendar Event button below and we will get your event on the calendar ASAP!

If you have questions or want to speak to someone, email us at our shared mailbox


Our Role in the College

We provide expert support to all units in the College by creating or directing the development of professional marketing strategies and professionally designed materials, as well as guidance on the best platforms to use for specific messages. We are responsible for maintaining the College’s branding across all platforms and following Texas A&M University brand guidelines in the use of logos and developing physical and virtual collateral. Our work should enhance the College’s professional reputation, help enroll more students and elevate our research, programs and events across the campus and beyond.

Our services include high-quality, brand-compliant graphic design, strategic development of our web ecosystem, compelling video, photography and storytelling that celebrates our achievements and experienced counsel and organization to put on stellar events.

CEHD Resources

CEHD Logos

College of Education & Human Development
Educational Administration & Human Resource Development
Educational Psychology
Kinesiology & Sport Management
Teaching, Learning, & Culture
Center for Research & Development in Dual Language & Literacy Acquisition
Center for Sport Management Research & Education
Center for the Advancement of Literacy & Learning
Center for Translational Research in Aging & Longevity
Center for Urban School Partnerships
Center on Disability & Development
Children’s Centers
Education Leadership Research Center
Education Research Center
Huffines Institute
Institute for Early Childhood Development & Education
Institute for Technology-Infused Learning

CEHD MarCom News Guide

News Guide Navigation
Our marketing team appreciates you informing us of your achievements, awards, grants or events. Your information plays a pivotal role in sharing the great news about our College across campus and beyond.

This news guide is a general outline of how we approach promoting your accolades, using our expertise and one or several of our channels and methods to communicate our news. The guide is not set in stone and there can always be exceptions. We are also open to your suggestions and welcome any discussion on our methodologies.

Research Stories

We partner with Texas A&M University’s MarCom team to get stories about our research out to as large an audience as possible.

TAMU MarCom is looking for “Signature Stories” of faculty/researchers who work to solve a problem or create a solution for our state, country or world. Stories of happenstance in a lab, leading to a world-changing discovery. Stories of cross-department collaboration leading to a breakthrough. Stories of Impact.

This type of research can be profiled early, then revisited for months or years to keep media updated, thus increasing name recognition for our College and by default Texas A&M.

We have two avenues to pitch your stories:

Associated Press Campus Insights

This video portal is an opportunity to easily connect academic experts with news organizations around the world. We pitch various faculty to TAMU MarCom every month and, if chosen, their team will come and film a short and informative news video providing clarity and context around emerging, timely or breaking news.

News Release

We can share research stories with TAMU MarCom, who have the expertise to understand if and where a story might resonate. They can pitch these stories of impact to mainstream and niche publications that might be interested in sharing them with their audiences. These stories may not be as timely but should have a unique angle or perspective.

Whether or not media sources pick up these stories, we will consider publishing them at the College level for our Newsletter and Transforming Lives Magazine.

Honors & Recognition

These announcements can be about awards or professional appointments across TAMU, the TAMU System, the state, region and nation.

If your recognition is related to Teaching, we will promote it through our College and/or Departmental Social Media channels as appropriate. We will also add your accolade to our digital monitors.

If your recognition is related to Research, we will promote it through our College and/or Departmental Social Media channels as appropriate and tag the VP for Faculty Affairs office. We will also send the information to be included in the Research Bulletin published by the VP of Research.

For both Teaching and Research recognition, we will create an appropriate write-up that will appear on our website. We will also mention your recognition in Transforming Lives Magazine, our digital monitors and possibly our Newsletter.

Research Grants

We will do a short write-up providing context and intent of your grant and promote the news through our Social Media channels as appropriate. We will also include the grant on our digital monitors and write a blurb to be shared with the VP of Research’s weekly bulletin.

In addition, we will ask that you follow up with us when your research is finished so we can create an appropriate story focused on impact. That story will appear on our website and be promoted on our Social Media channels.

Media Mentions

Did you share your insights with a media station or publication? We can promote it through our Social Media channels as appropriate and send a blurb to the Research Bulletin published by the VP of Research.

Conferences/Professional Events

We want to promote the reach of our faculty’s influence, and that includes when you are presenting your research at a state, regional, national or global conference. Since we often cannot attend these conferences ourselves, we highly encourage you to share photos and/or videos of you at these events so we can promote them on our Social Media channels as appropriate.

CEHD Events Calendar

We ask that you fill out our Submit Calendar Event so that we can add your event to the official CEHD Calendar.

Once we have your event on the calendar, we will support its success through Social Media, our Digital Slides and our Newsletter as appropriate.

Our team

Patrick Zinn

Patrick Zinn

Director of Marketing & Communications

View directory profile
Chad Becker

Chad Becker

Creative Manager (Graphic Design and Video)

View directory profile
Travis Bowles

Travis Bowles

Communications Coordinator

View directory profile
Ryan Cano

Ryan Cano

Graphic Designer III

View directory profile
Julieanna Diaz

Julieanna Diaz

Communications Specialist II

View directory profile
Jeremy Galindo

Jeremy Galindo

Multimedia Specialist

View directory profile
Jorge Goyco

Jorge Goyco

Graphic Designer II

View directory profile
Ruben Hidalgo

Ruben Hidalgo

Marketing and Communications Manager

View directory profile
Wendy Kreider

Wendy Kreider

Event Coordinator

View directory profile
Sarah Oakley

Sarah Oakley

Communications Specialist I (Web)

View directory profile
Jude Richard

Jude Richard

Communications Specialist II (Web)
Joshua Siegel

Joshua Siegel

Web Manager

View directory profile
Joshua Thuma

Joshua Thuma

Graphic Designer II

View directory profile